Thursday, June 19, 2008

Middle of June, a garden.

I have successfully potted and boxed a working garden up on my deck. Pumpkins, gourds, winter and summer squash, an herb garden, some cucumbers, and cutting flowers. I have my fair projects: Peppers, herbs, tomatoes, and an eggplant. I put together an area for my Farmer's Market tomatoes, peppers and eggplants: I resurrected a built-in-shelves green house that had literally broken down over winter and arranged my pots of the above on it. I also added a "plant stand" or mini green house to put peppers, fair project herb garden, and a fair project herb in it. I covered the whole shebang in plastic. But, only just enough for frost and deer protection, but not so much so that the peppers, eggplants and tomatoes won't get the breezes necessary for fertilization. Between Tuesday afternoon and again on Thursday, I have rototilled my garden out back and planted corn seed as well as soybeans and pumpkins. Because my onion seed did not grow in the first plot when planted in May, I retilled that and planted Indian corn, pumpkin seed and last year's melon seed. Hard to know if it will grow. Still a spot left to put out excess tomatoes and eggplants that don't sell as plants. But, I'll have to cage these to try to keep the deer off. So this year, I'll have a garden to work with.
