Many problems got in the way of my putting in a main garden this year: rototiller broke down, weather, dinged my foot. My mother had put in a garden in good order and then got to complaining about the too hungry deer feeding on her plants.

Taking that as a cue, I started putting what I'll call a garden into pots on our deck. As this black and white digital HP photo demonstrates.
Here in Dalton Gardens, Idaho and living near the mountains as we do, deer can be real pests. Nice to look at and a problem when you try to grow a commercial garden on a shoe string.
Taking that as a cue, I started putting what I'll call a garden into pots on our deck. As this black and white digital HP photo demonstrates.
Here in Dalton Gardens, Idaho and living near the mountains as we do, deer can be real pests. Nice to look at and a problem when you try to grow a commercial garden on a shoe string.